Food Bank
Wednesday 10am-1pm
Friday 3pm-6pm.
To access a food bank you need a voucher which you can obtain by contacting your local job centre, housing association, social worker, GP, school or apply for Walsall Crisis Support Scheme on the Walsall council website via this link The Food bank is here to help people in the short term during a crisis. The crisis may be a reduction in benefit payments, benefit issues around starting employment, sofa surfing, homelessness, debt, sickness or something else.

Contact us for date of next course.
Alpha is for anyone who is curious or would like answers to some of life's biggest questions. There will be a time for breakfast rolls, then a talk followed by an opportunity to explore and discuss the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, informal environment. It is open to anyone and you are free to discuss as little or as much as you wish. Tel 01922 452213

Plant to Plate Project
This project was a great success and we are considering running it again. Please contact us if you are interested.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle this project means you can get involved in the practicalities as you learn to grow vegetables and cook healthy, low cost meals on a budget. Places are limited so please contact the Thomas Project on 01922 452213. For more information and to book your place.

Free Internet Access and IT Support
Tuesday Afternoons 1:30pm until 3:30pm
We offer free internet access and provide laptops if needed for the session. Volunteers are available to help with any IT issues you may have, such as creating an email account, producing letters, etc.
Booking is essential by calling us on 01922 452213.

Place of Welcome Drop in Café
Wednesdays from 10am to 12.00pm.
Open to anyone to drop in for refreshments and a chat. You will be very welcome.

Discipleship Course
Friday 10am-12pm
Contact us if you like to enrol on the next session. An interactive Christian discipleship course equipping you with tools to live free and stay free. Across eight sessions this devotional study will educate, equip and empower your relationship with God as you learn to recognise God's voice and discover the keys to living free.
Walsall Works Support
Tuesday 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Jane from Walsall Works will be at the Thomas Project to offer employment, education and training support on Tuesday afternoons between 1.30pm and 3.30pm. To book onto the job club call 01922 654353 or email
Please Note Change of day and time from Wednesday morning to Tuesday afternoons.