Ways to get Involved

Explore ways to fundraise for us
Every person has the chance to make a change for good — no matter how big or small. Whatever amount you can give, or time you are willing to dedicate, you can know that your contribution makes a difference in the lives of others. Your donation, together with those of our other supporters, helps us to bring the community together and continue supporting people in our community who are experiencing hardship, need and distress. We have a Just Giving Page to help fundraisers raise money online. Please let us know of any fundraising you wish to do as we can help with promotion through Social Media. There is a whole range of ways in which you can support our charity as we help and support the people in our community. To download our menu of opportunities for some suggestions or see our A-Z of ideas for more. Click here. You can even support us by buying tickets to one of our fundraising events.
Become a volunteer or trustee
Become a Thomas Project Volunteer We have a wonderful team of volunteers. If you have skills and abilities that would help us in our work and a passion for making a difference to people's lives, then please email us on office@thethomasproject.co.uk or call us on 01922 4522. You can download a volunteer application form here. Become a Trustee We are seeking people with a variety of skills and experience to enrich the board, including (but not exclusively) human resources, marketing and fundraising, charity finance and governance. We would like our board to reflect the diversity of the communities we live in and support, and we seek people who can offer fresh-thinking and bring their talent to The Thomas Project. You do not need to have been a Trustee before. This is a voluntary role requiring approximately 5 hours a month commitment. Meetings are currently held via a combination of in person and Zoom. All Trustees will be subject to a DBS check. Download a Trustee application pack here or for further details please email chair@thethomasproject.co.uk or call Nikki-Dee Haddleton (Chair of Trustees) on 07584 038878.

Donate using any of methods listed here.
How to Donate Donate food to our foodbank. Donate financially Via our website — visit www.thethomasproject.co.uk and click on the Donate button. By cheque — Please make any cheques payable to 'The Thomas Project' and post to: The Thomas Project, 196h Walsall Wood Road, Aldridge, WS9 8HB. We will acknowledge receipt of any cash or cheques when requested. By Bank transfer — You can send money directly using our bank account: Sort Code: 20-90-08, Account No: 20727946 or even set up a standing order.

Organisations we work with
Our Partners
We work with several organisations. We're always looking to connect with others, so please get in touch if you'd like to get involved.
Our Funders
Thanks to funding from these organisations we are able to continue the work we do in the community.